Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tenth Anniversary of First Thor Movie

Thor (2011) will always be in our hearts

[found at lolawashere]

[found at virushoney]

Tom Hiddleston, at the Thor audition: I want the role of Thor

Marvel: No, but we think you would be great for the role of Loki

Tom Hiddleston: But I want to be Thor

Marvel: That’s perfect. You already know your lines.

[by tackykawa]

[gifset by cptnstevens]

Ironhead Studio:

“Here is the close-to-final clay sculpt of Loki’s helmet for Thor (2011). We were hired to create all of the armor elements for his suit. It was a pleasure working with the very talented costume designer, Alexandra Byrne.

Ironhead Studio:

“Here’s a few behind-the-scenes shots of Jose and Bryan Duly working on the Loki helmet for Thor(2011). 

[found at lolawashere]

[gifset by theavengers]

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