Sunday, July 25, 2021

Review of "Loki" Season 1

["Independence. Authority. Style."
by jcateart]

I loved the first season of "Loki" for many reasons! 

It's a new beginning and new characterization for Loki, separate from his Asgardian history and his brother Thor. This opens up so many possibilities for future developments! And hopefully it may prevent Tom Hiddleston from becoming (even more?) bored with playing Loki. He seems to have made peace with which side his bread is buttered on.

I love the representation of the TVA, with its jumbled combinations of ultra-modern and creaky old office technologies and its use of infinity stones as paperweights, LOL! The series has taken on the age-old question of pre-determinism versus free will, and good luck to them coming to any resolution about that. 

[by albertonavajoart (cropped)]

I love the still-mysterious character of Sylvie and how Loki has (of course) fallen narcissistically in love with his gender-fluid self! And at the same time, it's a nice nod to the weird fanfiction trope of self-cest.

One of my most favourite things about the series is all the Loki Variants! Especially Croki! He's pure gold.

Puny Gods

Artwork by CuddlyVeedles

[found here]

But the most exciting development that the Loki series brings is setting the stage for the multiverse future of the MCU. Let chaos reign! SO many possibilities!

["Loki Official on 
Twitter, July 16, 2021".
found here]

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