

Bringing it back from the glorious petvengers phase because I'm hyped for the Falcon and the Winter Soldier and this is all I want of it ;P two precious idiots with no chill (but at least Sam knows how to play it cool)

Also please let him finally talk to birbs. Marvel is making strides in embracing all the comicbooky silliness and I need it :D


Know what I want?

I want Sam to convince Bucky he can talk to birds.

I want Bucky to KNOW that is insane, that he's being conned, but Sam manages to be so good and so convincing, and pull enough random intel out of his butt for Bucky to go...

'Wait. CAN this asshole talk to birds? What the hell, World's gone batshit crazy, maybe people can DO that now.'

And he spends the whole series like, trying to convince a confused pigeon to deliver a message to Sam and the pigeon is just sticking around because he's got a bagel.