Friday, June 26, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Mighty Thor

A fitting tribute on Thor's Day -- three great gifs, together at last!

["Is that the best you can do?"

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Modesty Flap

The Saga of Loki’s Junk Problem

Thor 1

costume designers create a pair of unsightly pants with the clinging consistency of WET tissue paper, and no one gives tom the right undergarments to strap that shit down. Loki has Goblin King levels of embarrassingly un-tameable junk galloping across every piece of film reel with a waist down shot. Marvel actually has to pay someone to go in post production and gaussian blur out his wandering wanker.

Avengers/Thor 2/Everything post Thor1

Marvel:I can’t believe we paid someone to be Loki’s CGI cock wrangler.

Costume designers: What if we just gave him a crotch flap instead of tissue paper pants?

And that is why there has been a modesty flap ever since

[images and text by lokisergi]

Monday, June 22, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Redneck Avengers

This is just too stupid for words. But funny, in a gawd-awful kind of way. Especially those accents for Thor and Loki -- GAH! Where's your mellifluous accent now, Hiddleston?

And in case that's not appalling enough, here's a visual!

[found at The Meta Picture]

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wholesome Cap

[found at Cheezburger]

["Cap'n" by jinx-lin]


can we all just take a minute to imagine steve rogers’ face the first time he heard someone say “motherfucker” casually

[art by mechinism]

And he's not the only shocked one!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Where's the Slash Potential?

Without Loki in the film, Age of Ultron has a serious lack of slash potential. For example, we all know how Thor's fantasy scene should have gone --

[by einn-l]

Although could there be a bit of potential in Vision's bro-crush?

[found at Cheezburger]

Monday, June 15, 2015

Avengers Week!

Yes, this week it's All Avengers, All The Time! With a specific focus on the new movie, Age of Ultron. So let's start off with this --

[by Prox]

And if you're wondering where the name of the movie came from --

[found at The Meta Picture]