Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween in Asgard

First, the idealized view . . .

. . . and now, the more likely reality --

"This is my bargain, you mewling pumpkin!"

[caption and art by

Friday, October 30, 2015

Shapeshifting Halloween Fun

If worse comes to worse, the Boys could always shapeshift into alternative Halloween personas. And since they fight like cats and dogs anyway . . . .

[by avali]

How about Labrathor? Who's a good boy?

And Lokitty! Don't come too close, he'll claw you.

Or Lokitty could be paired with Thorgi.

Either way, they're just too cute for words!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Couples Costumes

What would be the perfect couples costumes for Thor and Loki to wear at Halloween? Perhaps they should portray these iconic feminist heroines --

Or how about some sexy Tron armour for the Boys?

[by YanaGoya]

Tarzan and Jane? Thor would look good in just a loin cloth.

How about Balem Loki from Jupiter Ascending . . .

. . . and Caine Wise Thor.

[by thacmis]

But of course, they'd be perfect as Lestat and Louis from Interview with a Vampire.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

EVERYONE loves Hello Kitty!

Sometimes it's fun to go cutesy with Halloween costumes instead . . . .

["Hello Kitty Avengers"
found at Toxel]

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Perfect Halloween Costumes for Loki

Who better than Loki to portray the ultraviolent psychopath Alex from A Clockwork Orange? Or the seductive sadomasochist from the Nazisploitation cult film The Night Porter?

Or even the much more benign Jon Snow from Game of Thrones? The wintry cold of The Wall would be a walk in the park for a Jotun, after all.

["Winter is Coming" by Qiubi]

Monday, October 26, 2015

Creepy and Ghoulish

[found at The Meta Picture]

Seems appropriate for this time of year, doesn't it? So all this week on Thunderfrost Boys -- Halloween costumes!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Portraits of Thor

Young, handsome and intense!

[by Marco Checchetto,
found here]

Older, but in the fullness of his power. Fate awaits.

["Waiting for Ragnarok"
by reau]

The final showdown . . . .

["Thor and Jormungandr" by grumplesoup,
aka WanderingInPixels, found here]

Do not cross the God of Thunder who wields the power of the universe through his hammer Mjolnir.

[by Michael Turner, found here]

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Portraits of Loki

The Trickster looks very crafty indeed in this portrayal . . .

. . . and here he's defiant, with head high and jaw pushed forward.

["Loki -- Speeding"

Loki can pull off that calm, cool and collected look when he wants . . .

[by athew]

. . . but also that crazed out-of-control look when it suits his purposes.

[by Alekina]

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Barista Thor and Hipster Loki

With his love of coffee, Thor would make a perfect barista. And what a nice Thor's Hammer on his forearm as well. No one can be a barista without a tattoo!

[by lokisergi]

So Loki is the hipster customer with his cell phone and trendy hair? Maybe. His "On Your Knees" shirt is pretty rad. But actually, I think Thor is the true hipster here --

You can't get more hip than that, LOL!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tattoos for the Sons of Odin

Loki seems to prefer tattoos of his spawn, Sleipnir the 8-legged horse . . .

[from "Pirate AU" by albenkind]

. . . and Jormungandr the Midgard Serpent.

["Loki's Dream"

What could be better for Thor than an elaborate celtic representation of Mjolnir?

[from "Pirate AU" by albenkind]

If this is meant to be the Midgard Serpent on Thor's arm, the tattoo is darkly foreboding because it is Jormungandr who kills Thor at Ragnarok.

["Sweet Dreams Loki"

The ram's horns in Thor's sexy tribal tattoo suggest virility, but also the two goats in Norse mythology which traditionally pull Thor's chariot.

[by jotnar, found here]

Friday, October 16, 2015

Not Everyone is Thrilled

Bucky and Loki have long complained of their similar relationship problems --

["Mr. Barnes has the floor"

All of a sudden, though, those problems have disappeared. WTF?

["Well fought, my love"

And they don't like it. They don't like it one little bit.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cap Takes Charge

The truth of the matter is that Steve was just as hot for Thor as Thor was for him. The problem, though, was that Steve was still very uncomfortable with his sexuality, whereas Thor was not.

But one day, Steve finally found a way to overcome his inhibitions and let go.

"Gawd, I need a drink!"

Captain America is of course immune to the effects of alcohol as a consequence of the Super Soldier Serum. But even Cap can get drunk on Thor's flask of Asgardian ale additive which boosts Midgardian alcohol to "God Strength."

[by shiulu]

So that's what he did. Captain America got plastered. Absolutely shit-faced. His puritanical inhibitions vanished and all of a sudden, Thor became the pursued. The hotly pursued. Not that Thor put up much resistance.

And that's when the good ship Thundershield set sail.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thor Strikes Out

Thor tried to make the first move with Steve, lots of times. He just never got very far. Thor used every move he could think of -- subtle passes, chivalrous wooing, obvious lusting, crude suggestions. Nothing worked. Cap never seemed to follow up or reciprocate.

[gifs found here]

["whistle" by shiulu]

Thor was just about to give up when Steve decided to make his own move.