Friday, September 01, 2023

Another Omegaverse Fic -- "Agent Rogers"

This Omegaverse fic intrigued me because it's a Shrinkyclinks tale, with Preserum Steve as an unlikely Alpha and Winter Soldier Bucky as an unlikely Omega. Natasha is instrumental in bringing them together.

My Summary --

Tiny Alpha Steve works in Shields' archives. The big Omega Winter Soldier turns himself over to Shield's custody, but needs to reduce stress and be calmed down in order to function as he recovers from his Hydra ordeal. Turns out that Steve's atypical, non-aggressive and non-threatening Alpha scent does the trick, so Shield gets Steve to scent an endless supply of hoodies, t-shirts, blankets and pillowcases. Slowly, Bucky and Steve draw closer together as the scenting continues.

Excerpt --

It’s nearly a month before Steve sees Bucky again. And it takes Steve completely by surprise when, one Friday at four forty five, Bucky appears in Steve’s archive, holding a paper bag.

An agent stands in the doorway, propping the door open with her body and standing sideways. She’s watching them without looking directly at them.

Bucky looks back at her, then looks at Steve, chagrined, “sorry, privacy isn’t something I get much of.”

“Not your fault, Buck.”

Bucky drags in a breath, eyes flashing, like he’s ready to argue that point, but then he seems to relax and let it go again. He hands Steve the bag.

Steve leans forward and takes it carefully over the desk, reaching out with both hands to grip it by the sides whilst Bucky lets go of the handle. Steve notices the empty jacket sleeve is pinned up today.

“I’m...I’m pretty sure they check it, when I write to I had to, had to come and talk to you.”

Steve’s heart breaks for this man. This brave man who isn’t even getting the dignity of being able to write a note in private. Bucky shuffles closer to the desk, so he can speak softly and still be heard. He’s looking studiously down at Steve’s desk.

“Uhm...just...just say no. That’ll...that’s okay. But before, with the, the pillow cases…?”

Bucky’s eyes flick up to Steve’s face. Even though Bucky is taller than Steve by a good few inches, Bucky still makes it feel like he’s looking up at Steve.

Steve’s sure he must be red to the tips of his ears. Because he knows. The memory comes back to him in full surround sound and technicolor. He knows exactly what Bucky’s talking about. Bucky’s eyes flick up to Steve’s face again. Ashamed. Worried. A lot of things Steve never wants Bucky to feel again. Where Steve must be practically glowing with his blush, if anything, Bucky looks even paler than usual. Steve allows himself a subtle, but deep breath. Bucky’s wearing scent blockers, so no help there.

Bucky’s begging with his eyes, begging Steve not to make him say it. Steve swears he can feel the heat in his own cheeks, “yeah, Buck, I know what...ah...I know what you mean.”

“Could you do that again? More. More would be great. It...really helped. If you can do that. Like, do it a lot more.”

Steve swallows. Just the thought of what Bucky’s asking him for. He can feel his cock starting to harden and he deliberately tries to ignore it. To will it away. Something.

An Omega. Standing right in front of him. Asking for that. Steve swallows loudly, “it’s...uhm...soon?”

“Yeah...they had me on, you know, suppressants for a long time, and now I’m...well, the doctors want me to cycle a few times. Even it out. But it means it’s...soon, again.”


Bucky gives a broken, half smile, “that’d be great Steve," then Bucky’s already backing away, “yeah, thanks, really...uhm...great, Steve.”

“Yeah, problem.”

The agent in the doorway lets Bucky out, and Steve falls back into his chair.

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