Thursday, August 31, 2023

Omegaverse Fic -- "Unspoken"

[Steve 'n Bucky
pornalikes gif
found here]

I've been dabbling in some Omegaverse fics recently. This one held my attention because of its "Alpha in the streets, Omega in the sheets" theme!

My Summary --

Alpha Agent Barnes is confused. He feels an overwhelming need to scent, scentmark, bite and even fuck another Alpha, desires which he regards as shameful. Even worse, the other Alpha is Captain America, his commanding officer. What Bucky doesn't know is Steve's secret -- he was born an Omega but the serum turned him Alpha. Steve's Omega genes are dormant but Bucky is reawakening them.

Excerpt --

Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, Bucky’s mind screamed at him. He’d just accosted his commanding officer in his apartment, held him against a wall, and marked him. He’d even lost his mind so much, he bit Steve, like an Alpha would bite an Omega to claim them.

 The instinct had been so strange. He’d never once considered doing such a thing – not even to an Omega – and yet, he’d done it.

 To Steve.

 Captain America.

 He could still taste it.

 The almost sweet smell of his skin, something Bucky assumed was his soap, and the tang of his blood, it was all inside Bucky, overpowering his senses. 

 But then, Steve had nonchalantly let Bucky off the hook by saying, “I heal quickly,” and Bucky’s teeth ached to do it again.

 What was this? Why was it so overpowering?

 Finally reaching the doors that opened to the outside, Bucky inhaled a shuddering breath. Despite the insanity of what had just occurred, Bucky actually felt… calm.

 He felt good. Really good.

 In spite of this, he swore it would never happen again. His rut brain had been confused, the fuck-or-fight instinct simply mistook the situation. There was no possible way he had gone to Steve to… 


 Bucky shook himself and stormed across the campus, finding his car and driving back to the city as quickly as he could. All the way there, his mind replayed the encounter over and over, until he’d convinced himself.

 That was… until it happened again.

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