Monday, September 18, 2023

Yet Another Omegaverse Fic -- "Blood and Honey"

Oh dear.
After all this time,
I seem to now be developing
a thing for the Omegaverse.

How catws should have ended 

An illustration for @caludia-flies‘​ fic Blood and Honey, thank you @nursedarry​ for commissioning me!

Bonus :

[art and text by cobaltmoonysart]

Author's summary --
The fight on the bridge doesn’t go as Hydra planned.

My summary --
Alpha Bucky and Omega Steve are a bonded couple from when they were teens in Brooklyn. When the Winter Soldier and Captain America meet again on the bridge, the inevitable happens, triggering their rut and heat, respectively.

The fic covers different time periods of their bonded life in four chapters --
1. The Bridge
2. The Tower
3. Azzano
4. Brooklyn

Excerpt (Chapter 1) --

The mask clatters on the ground, and the Soldier turns on the balls of his feet, graceful and deadly.

The face is familiar, looking at him across the short distance and all the decades in between.


His nostrils flare, face pinched.

“Who the hell is Bucky?”

Horror and fear heavy in his belly, a weight he isn’t sure he can shift. Then the scent hits, familiar, forgotten, overwhelming and Steve’s body clenches.

It happens in an instant the Winter Soldier, Bucky, is on him. The heavy metal arm wrapping around the back of his neck, the grip strangely gentle and the cool metal soothing on his heated skin. He pulls Steve to him, nosing the hinge of his jaw.


A growl. It makes Steve’s knees turn into jelly and his body clench again. With dawning horror, Steve realizes what is about to happen.

Excerpt (Chapter 2) --

[The Asset] doesn’t remember, but he knows. Knows that the scent belongs to him, it is his in a way that nothing has ever been. Calls to some part of him, deep inside, that he didn’t even know was there. He hadn’t understood, but his body had known the motions. Etched into his bones, deep into the nerve pathways of his body. Even the neural grafts of his left hand had known how to gentle his touch, his grip on the back of the Mission’s neck. How to hold him.

In the car, he had remembered the word. Пара [mate]. And in the bunker, he had remembered what it meant.

He remembers more now, which is still very little. He knows that Пара is StevenGrantRogers (Target, Level 8). He wasn’t the soldier's mission on the bridge, but he is the Mission now.

The Asset piles the bed with blankets and duvets and pillows. The Mission Пара StevenGrantRogers must be kept warm at all times. He breaks into the empty floors and apartments in the Tower to pilfer supplies. The building (JARVIS) tells him that he does not have to steal, he can just ask, but the Asset knows that the building lies. The Asset must never ask for anything. No. Wrong. He can ask for a weapon. It will be given. But no one would give the Asset things to keep Пара warm. So he steals.

Пара kicks off all the duvets when he is sleeping and the Asset spends most of the night putting them back. The Asset does not mind. Taking care of the Mission Пара StevenGrantRogers makes the Asset happy. He isn’t sure what happy is exactly, but he has heard the word before and thinks that it is fitting.

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