Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Captain America #750: "Nothing But A Fight" (2023)

Story: "Nothing But A Fight"
Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Carmen Carnero
Cover Artists: Gary Frank and Brad Anderson]

This multi-tale, multi-contributor issue contains several great stories, but the one which continues the Cold War crossover saga and is reviewed in this post is "Nothing But A Fight."

But first, just to note -- I scored a copy of this outstanding variant cover of Captain America Sam Wilson in a high-concept designer suit, ready for his appearance at the Hellfire Gala!

Hellfire Gala variant edition
Cover Artists: C.F. Villa and Matt Milla]

"Nothing But A Fight" brings everyone together in England for the funeral of Roger Aubrey. All the superheroes in attendance eulogize him. Sharon Carter vows to keep Roger's legacy alive in her new persona, saying "Destroyer's not a name. It's a promise and it's one I'm gonna keep." The Redacted is at the funeral too. He tells Steve that he intends to travel the world and find his place in it. Steve passes the codename "Nomad" on to him. In the pouring rain, Roger is laid to rest beside his long-deceased lover Brian Falsworth. His epitaph reads "Roger Aubrey. A Man of Love and Destroyer of Hate."

Steve slips away from the other mourners to a huge tree in the cemetery where Bucky is secretly watching the proceedings. Bucky explains that the Outer Circle wanted to use Ian as their pawn so The New Revolution had to get to him first and try to take him off the table. Bucky reassures Steve that "Ian is out. I promise."

This is followed by a prolonged and awkward silence between the two men, until Bucky finally apologizes to Steve for everything.

excerpted from a larger post]

Steve tells Bucky that although he hated the plan involving Ian, it was admittedly a good plan. And Steve doesn't blame Bucky for Roger's death because Roger chose to sacrifice himself in order to save lives. But then Bucky asks, "Okay, then why are we still . . . why is this still broken?" Steve bares his heart and confesses "It wasn't the serum that made me invincible, Bucky. It was you. And then you made me give up on you. You made me fight alone."

Then Bucky confesses his true feelings as well and everything is fixed between them with tears, a hug, and a promise mirroring Steve's in Issue #4. "You'll never fight alone" appears to be the new "I'm with you 'til the end of the line."

["In every universe,
in every timeline,
Steve and Bucky are soulmates."
found at lucidasidera]

Dialogue Translation:
Steve   -- I love you, Bucky. Your rejection broke my heart. I'm nothing without you.
Bucky -- I love you too, Steve. I'll never reject you again. You mean everything to me.

Very awkwardly in the middle of all this emotional outpouring, the great-grandson of the Shield's creator Dr Agboje (see Issue #2) appears and gives them his forebear's schematics of the Outer Circle's Shadow Capitol. These reveal that Captain America's Shield is really "a kill switch . . . . a way to bring down the whole damn thing."

So the stage is set for Steve and Bucky to now triumph over the Outer Circle in the next and presumably final issue of this saga -- Captain America Finale #1. Phew!

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