Wednesday, July 05, 2023


["The fallen angel"
by kiu-k]

[art by CapDeady
illustrations for the fanfic
The Faerie King
by BeaArthurPendragon
found on AO3 here]

Wing!AU. Steve Rogers, a tiny scrap of a guy with a bent and twisted back and a pair of frail wings growing out strangely from the sides of his head. Most overlooked him, but there were a few who did see Steve. Could see in his small frame, something Awesome. Something Noble.

[art and text by slouph]

Wing!AU Steve Post-transformation

[art and text by slouph]

Wing!AU Winter Soldier

Like a wraith in the night, Death comes with a screech of metal that sounds from a distance like screaming.

[art and text by slouph]

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