Friday, February 04, 2022

Slashaholic Shipping Obsession, Year 8

[found at twswidow]

Today is this blog's 8th blogoversary so, as has become tradition, it's time once again to take stock of my slashaholic shipping obsession. 

It's been a pretty good year for new Captain America and Winter Soldier content from Marvel. Highlights include:
  • the wonderful series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which I just loved;
  • two Steve 'n Bucky episodes in the animated series What If...? which I also enjoyed;
  • that marvelously satirical parody of a hit Broadway production, "Rogers: The Musical," in the series Hawkeye.
And good old Loki got a major boost this year too with the fabulous Loki series! I particularly loved the Multiverse of Lokis, especially the delightful Croki!

All four series generated bursts of new fanart, fanfics and general appreciation, which is great. But I do notice that new Stucky content in the blogosphere is starting to flag or become a bit tired. Has the fandom finally peaked? With the MCU entering Phase 2 and its emphasis on different, diverse superheroes, there may not be a lot of new content about Captain America and the Winter Soldier in the future. However, could the multiverse and its endless possibilities open new possibilities for the characters?

Because of the pandemic and so much resulting time on my hands, I've managed to quite dramatically reduce my draft posts backlog. At one point in the past year, I was posting twice a day. I'm back to one post per day now, but even that may become more sporadic over the upcoming year if there's a dearth of new fanart/fanfic content which catches my fancy and attention.

We'll see what the upcoming year brings!

[found here]

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