Tuesday, February 01, 2022

More Medieval Stucky

Look what the horse dragged in - (2021)

- OUCH. Look what the ca…horse dragged in. So… “just a short quest that shouldn’t take more than a couple of days”, huh?

- Shut up! Respectfully, of course, Your Majesty. It went pretty smoothly actually, you should see the other guys. And shouldn’t you be in tears, right now, seeing me wounded like this?

- Now, why would I? As you just so perfectly described it yourself, it went “pretty smoothly”, right?

[text and art

excerpted from
a larger post]

[The Stairs - (2021)
Inspired by the painting 
by Frederic William Burton.

King Steve - (2021)

This art started as a study (a Chris Evans portrait) that should have been “Knight Steve” and that somehow turned into “King Steve” (and into a “not-a-practice” artwork). ^^;;


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