Sunday, February 13, 2022

Alpine Joins The Family

["The Winter Soldier
meets Alpine!"

Alpine: *climbs on Bucky’s lap*

Brainwashed and confused Bucky, pointing at the cat: What is this

Steve: Oh that’s Alpine, your cat :). You love her

Alpine: *starts purring*

Bucky: Steve. It just started vibrating

Steve: It’s okay Buck :)

Bucky: Is it going to explode Steve

excerpted from
a larger post]

found at cyberdelph,
(white space cropped)]

["variant cover concept 
(featuring the real star 
of the show"
excerpted from
a larger post]

[by Purrito,
found here

[by sadie24]

[by kocuria]

[by kocuria,
found here]

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