Saturday, February 05, 2022

Bucky Loves Cats and Vice Versa

["help me i’m suuuuuuuper 
into cats liking bucky barnes 
completely against his will"

["Hey, kitty."
by piiib]

The Winter Soldier’s weak spot

The Winter Soldier found these abandoned kittens not long after he deserted HYDRA, now years later they keep Bucky company wherever he goes

[art and text

Steve: Buck? What’s wrong?

Bucky, holding a bunch of kittens, weeping: I don’t have enough hands!

["Winter Soldier: Mission Failed"

["Bucky with cats!"

“I can come down by myself.”

“I know. I’m asking for a hug.”

["kitten in a tree"
art and text by kiu-k]

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