I SWEAR this isn’t steve rogers. No Way the real steve would be able to say good bye to bucky for EIGHTY years and show this little emotion. I simply refuse to believe it

he looks like he’s assessing an opponent. calculating whether or not the enemy will pose a threat to the plan. does he know? has he caught on? Will further intervention be needed to ensure he complies? like I SWEAR
so. we’re all in agreement that old!steve is an imposter, and the films are going to follow the secret empire arc. the real question is, when was the real steve Taken and Replaced ??
my vote is almost immediately following the snap, when steve settled in New York
-living in the city surrounded by strangers allowed the Imposter to go unnoticed and adapt to “steve’s” life
-he talked about peggy in group therapy bc the files weren’t updated, and the all the info they had for a character profile was primarily from the 40s (hence the clothes lmao)
-sam & bucky were dead, and nat was running the avengers, so no one would see the shift in his personality
-by the time he reunited with the avengers, they’d think the five years and loss had changed him
-when bucky and sam came back (who WOULD spot the difference), he left
I’m on board with this take.
my final theory (aka headcanon) is that steve rogers was abducted and replaced almost immediately following the snap.
answers to questions u may have
why did he live in New York City alone and what was the deal with his obsession with peggy?
whoever took over steve’s life (skrull? hydra?) was playing the long game, but only had basic information on steve’s life. access to steve’s actions from 2016-2019 were extremely limited (his fugitive years). the imposter probably based their interpretation of steve on public knowledge / bias (of course cap would still be heartbroken about peggy) rather than his actual life. living in nyc would distance him from the other avengers and lessen the chance of a slip up
how’d they steal steve’s face?
if it was a skrull then the answer is pretty obvious, but if it was a human then they could have used the technology introduced in catws (photostatic veil)
super strength??????
idk I only watched the movie once but steve never did any crazy inhuman feats from what I remember. he almost lost a fight in the 2012 timeline to a version of himself with a lot less training/experience than he had, who was also exhausted after the chitauri invasion
ok jo fine but what about Thor’s hammer? surely you can’t explain that
ho ho HO but I can. odin enchanted the hammer in 2011 rifht? but when odin died, his previous enchantments started to fail (hence, hela escaping). in 2023 (a timeline where odin was dead) it’s completely possible it had lost its magic
so what was imposter steve up to? why’d he work for the good guys? why the big show about leaving and making up the peggy story?
bc he had what he wanted (the stones) but had to convince everyone he was trustworthy. that it was ok he took the stones himself. it was so weird he went on an extremely dangerous mission alone, no? then, by planting the peggy story, he would no longer be considered a threat // a moving piece and could go under the radar with whatever nefarious plan that is in the works (he also couldn’t stick around too long with sam & bucky, people who knew him too well for him to pass as Steve Rogers convincingly for long)
so the stones never got returned?
no, which would (off of the ancient ones explanation) cause horrible things for those realities. maybe that would explain the multiverse issues to come?
if they’re following the secret empire run, steve would have been implanted with fake memories and convinced he was a hydra agent. so, going by that, it was steve the whole time, but one under the control of the red skull. who he brought all of the infinity stones right to. :)
all in all..... send me some ice, I hurt my back reaching 😫
The way that this is literally everything that I've been thinking for the past two years regarding Steve having been an impostor from the beginning...and great catch with the idea that Odin's spells would have faded away.
You 🤝 me: dying on the hill of Endgame!Steve being an imposter.
Endgame!Steve IS an imposter. Make that 3 of us.
me a year and a half later trying to convince myself the mcu is loosely following the secret empire run where steve roger’s mind was implanted with memories that he was a hydra agent by the sentient cosmic cube (kobrik), and following orders he cons the other avengers into letting him go onto an incredible dangerous mission alone so that he can deliver the infinity stones directly into the clutches of the his arch nemesis (the red skull) who traps him in the soul stone & steals his identity

listen if marvel doesn’t go with imposter!steve & an adaption of the the secret empire run it’s literally such a wasted opportunity. they’ve either intentionally or unintentionally set it up soooooo perfectly all they need to do is push the first domino and reap the benefits
suddenly steve rogers saying “hail hydra” would turn into AMAZING foreshadowing
there would finally be a good reason for the red skull being on vormir
marvel literally released the info that Steve’s presence in bucky’s life was the only reason he was mentally stable, so it would make sense why hydra would ruin their relationship and hurt bucky as much as possible (they want the winter soldier back)
no one would expect an old man to be hydra agent, and no one would look for the real steve bc they wouldn’t think he was missing
hydra would finally get revenge on steve (their most hated enemy) by forcing him to watch imposter steve ruin the life he worked so hard to build in the 21st century and ruin all his relationships
old!steve would manipulate sam & the shield would have a tracking chip//recording device
LIKE I AM BEGGING ???????????? it would be such an amazing plot twist ???
MCU-IDIOTS and Disney IDIOTS are not that clever, tbh.
if marvel DIDN’T want me to think old!steve was hydra, than they shouldn’t have
-said steve rogers wouldn’t have recognized the red skull
-had him say “hail hydra” (a nod to the secret empire run where the real steve rogers is trapped in the being Kobrik’s mindspace (an entity created by the destruction of the cosmic cube and manipulated by the red skull) while a fascist/hydra agent version of steve rogers secretly infiltrates the government. the real steve is eventually saved by bucky barnes)
-sent steve alone on a dangerous mission with the six most powerful stones in the multiverse and not show any of it
-said steve would have done nothing to change history in the alt timeline (aka letting his best friend be tortured and used as an assassin, ignoring the worldwide rise of hydra, and every shitty thing to happen for the better part of a century) bc according to the writers, “we didn’t want him to go back and just keep adventuring, we wanted him to rest.”
some extra things to keep in mind regarding this theory
-the russos once tweeted that when thanos took the soul stone, the red skull was freed from his duties. so…. when clint took the stone, he would have been freed, and if steve didn’t return to the EXACT moment, he would have been walking right into his arch nemesis’ clutches
-in captain America reborn, “, it is revealed that the Skull had in fact trapped Rogers’ body in a fixed point in time-space. It was his intention to transfer his mind into Rogers’ body and supplant his consciousness”so all in all…………….i’m just saying…………
Congratulations on winning the United States Presidential Election to Avengers: Endgame star Joe Biden!
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