[by williamkaplan]
“…that don’t look like me, punk.”
“!? ‘Course it don’t, as if I’d ever draw you!”
“Well, he’s a looker, I’ll give 'im that. Smart chin. Who’s he?”
“Shut up.”
Just… stop trying, Steve. Ssshh. Get kissed. Sit down.
[art and text by kannibal]
‘Paint my best side, Stevie-o’
'But every side is your best side, Buck’
'Aw shucks you’re such a charmer, y'meatball.’
[art and text
by voodooling]
[by unknown artist,
found here,
excerpted from
a larger post]
["What a punk."
by inchells]
[by maxkennedy24]
“Drawing me like one of your French girls, huh?”
“You know me too well.”
“Hm-mh, why draw something when you can have the real deal though?”
“… give me three minutes.”
[images and text
by starstruckmyths]
["'Draw me like one of
your French girls'
Stucky Version"
by lethal-desires]

lookin' all smouldery and dangerous today
+ a version like a steve drawing because
we all know his sketchbook would be
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