["Brooklyn, 1937"
by nalonzooo]
[by バキステ | venta]
["It's hard to be a top when you are tiny"
by @littlewolf_82]
[by unknown artist,
found here]
[by kitigai,
found here]
["keepin' you on the brink"
by faun-songs,
found here]
[by artgroves,
found here]
Anonymous asked:
1930s Bucky being unsure if Steve is having sex with him because Steve likes him or if Steve is having sex with him because its technically illegal and Steve gets off on law breaking.

yawpkatsi answered:
look friends we all know i’m not really a stucky shipper but this is LEGIT THE FUNNIEST AND MOST IN CHARACTER HEADCANON I’VE SEEN ALL WEEK I’M YELLING
[found here]
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