Thursday, August 25, 2022

Rivals For Steve's Love

captain america’s arc summed up in one picture:


it’s 2021 and i still can’t get over the fact that they deliberately chose “there’s a tavern in the town” to play at that pub scene in the first avenger, like… that was a choice someone had to make, like… wow


You mean there are other period appropriate songs they could have picked that don’t involve these lyrics?

He left me for a damsel dark, damsel dark,
Each Friday night they used to spark, used to spark,
And now my love, once true to me,
Takes that dark damsel on his knee.

While Bucky looks at Steve and Peggy like this? 

Don’t ever let the MCU pretend they didn’t know what they were doing. 


yep, and not only that but the whole foreshadowing of bucky’s death with:

no one can tell me that song was chosen by accident, it was very fucking intentional

[found here]

["The Adventures of Captain
and Mr. America, Part 110"

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