Monday, August 01, 2022

CA:TFA Movie Memorabilia

likephysics asked:

okay so i was at a comic convention today and this booth had a CA:TFA helmet signed by sebastian and i think??? it says “thanks for rescuing me!”???? i cant tell what the R word is and i guess rescuing makes sense because like… the first time he sees steve in this helmet is steve’s big rescue of bucky?? but i have so many feelings if that’s really what seb signed.

they also had a CATFA shield signed by Chris ❤️

omg omg omg that’s so cool!!

i now desperately want both of them but i do not have thousands of dollars to throw around 😭

and the ‘thank you for rescuing me’ is making me so emo dkasljhgdgj 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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