Friday, March 27, 2020

Sometimes, Loki Tells the Truths No One Else Will

["The Trickster God"

I was re-watching The Avengers movie on TV the other night (for the umpteenth time) and was struck yet again by the scene where Loki speaks an ugly truth about all the Avenger superheroes.

"You lie and kill
in the service of liars and killers.

You pretend to be separate, 
to have your own code,
something that makes up
for the horrors,

but they are part of you and 
they will never go away."

He says this to the Black Widow but the film makes it clear that it applies to all the Avengers, who are each shown on the screen while Loki delivers these lines. An extended shot of Captain America coincides with the concluding words about the durability of horrors.

The God of Lies is sometimes the only one who will give voice to a hard but profound truth.

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