Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sebastian Stan, Actor (Part 2)

[The Magic of Passion (2022)
Directed by Miles Gillespie;
Starring Sebastian Stan,
Paul Walter Hauser
and K. Callan]

Compared to the much safer roles which Chris Evans chooses, Sebastian Stan appears to be absolutely fearless as an actor, whether it be a film's subject-matter or his own image. He likes to portray the extremes of life, character, morality and experience.

This recently released short film is a case in point. Comedic -- albeit in a very dark, disturbing and cringey way -- it explores the outer limits of tolerance, acceptance and freedom to choose. 

[gifset by sheisraging]

However, knowing the usual dynamics of such situations in Real Life, I must say that the film's saving grace is that it is clear that the mother, although physically disabled by a stroke, retains her mental capacity and ability to legally consent to both the romantic and sexual relationship with the man who is her caregiver. Less clear is whether her physical dependence on the caregiver's help introduces an element of duress to that consent. And whether there is any aspect of financial elder abuse is completely unaddressed. But, after all, it's only a 10 minute film, so let's give it the benefit of the doubt -- it does not have to carry the weight of all possible scenarios on its shoulders.

[gifset by c-evans,

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