Thursday, December 29, 2022

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #7 (2022)

Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Carmen Carnero
Cover Artists: Carmen Carnero and Alejandro Sanchez]

Back on earth, Steve is depressed, miserable and brooding about Bucky's betrayal. I walk the city until I find the courage to go to the one place I can't face, Steve narrates -- Bucky's now-empty apartment in Manhattan. Everything is gone, just a few scattered pieces of paper and an abandoned cat toy on the floor. And, sitting on a shelf for Steve to find . . . the "Dimension Z eldritch weapon" crystal which powered The New Destroyer Starpoint. Thanks, Buck, Steve says as he takes it.

On his way home, Steve is followed and attacked by a mysterious assailant --

excerpted from a
larger post]

Steve remains pretty much a wet blanket though. Sharon Carter initiates the kiss and later it's up to her to initiate sex as well. Steve is still off in his own little world, brooding about Bucky and the Outer Circle. 

Yet again, Sharon takes the initiative and sets up a meeting of allies, creating momentum to get sluggish Steve into action. Clearly, the New Revolution made a smart tactical move with "Sharon Carter to Captain America." He knows Steve better than anyone and knows Steve needs a "right-hand operative" by his side.

Or . . . is Sharon Carter controlled by the Outer Circle? Time will tell.

In a secret bunker under New York's subway system, they meet up with Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Peggy Carter and Roger Aubrey from the Radio Club (who is the original Destroyer back in action once more). Steve fills in everyone about the Outer Circle and Bucky's role on it as the New Revolution. Steve also lets them know he's in possession of the powerful Neganite crystal. They zero in pretty quickly on an adversary to target -- Arnim Zola and his underground launch facility discovered by Hawkeye and the Thunderbolts. The team agrees to meet there on Wednesday to set a trap for Zola. The Redacted shows up late to the meeting and approves the plan.

Then WHAMMO! The next thing Captain America knows, he's in the middle of a wheat field in Kansas and it's FRIDAY. What the hell happened?

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