Thursday, November 17, 2022

Sebastian Stan, Actor

L'Officiel USA, Spring 2022
found at buckysbarnes]

CATWS: Sebastian’s script


Bucky: Who the hell is Bucky?

Bucky: The man on the bridge; who was he?

Bucky: I knew him.

Bucky: But I knew him.

Bucky: No I don’t!

Bucky: No I don’t!

Bucky: Shut up!

Bucky: You’re my mission. You’re. my. mission!

[That’s it. That’s literally it. That’s the whole of it.]


#Sebastian Stan legit said, “I don’t need lines, I can portray all the heart ache and pain and trauma with just my body and face.”


no, ok, but, really is that everything he said in catws

i feel like theres more, or maybe i just imagined it


And he held his own opposite Robert Redford, Samuel L Jackson, Chris Evans and ScarJo plus the rest of the cast, and killed it. 🤘🏻👌😍

[found here]

Although I don't think this next character is Bucky,
still, you can see Sebastian Stan disappearing into the character
as he's being transformed by make-up and hair --

#me seeing the 4th gif like: BUCK BUCK!!!! 

["Sebastian Stan via 
Instagram, August 5th"
steve photo added by buckymilf]

And Sebastian Stan will go
where angels fear to tread, LOL!

["lmao he really said that"

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