Winter Soldier Bucky has
gorgeous hair, no doubt about it.
[found at (possibly by?)
It commands attention in any fight!
["Up and down Bucky’s hair
in a fight with Steve"
gifset by erikisright]
He can really rock a man bun too!
[by adayka]
["Bel Ami"
photomanip by dirtytomatoed]
[by hopeless--geek]
"Warrior braids" look great on him as well.
[by amarriageoftrueminds,
excerpted from a
larger work]
[by artgroves]
[by amarriageoftrueminds]
[by @littlewolf_82]
Bucky pretends not to fuss over his hair,
but he really does, of course.

Anonymous asked:
Bucky your hair always looks so soft. What products do you use?
Bucky your hair always looks so soft. What products do you use?

[by steve-n-bucky]
However, Bucky doesn't mind
if Steve messes it up . . . .
You guys ready for a Hot Take
Steve and Bucky fucked at SOME POINT between Steve arriving in Wakanda and them all going into battle and I have proof.

Bucky’s hair before going into battle: Damp (it hasn’t been raining??), messy, rip soft shiny hair, rip voluminous waves
Bucky’s hair when Steve gets off the jet: freshly washed, soft and luxurious, shiny and healthy with a cheeky wave. Iconic and beautiful.

Bucky’s hair before going into battle: Damp (it hasn’t been raining??), messy, rip soft shiny hair, rip voluminous waves

[found here]
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