Friday, February 16, 2018

Photobooth Fun Over the Years

[by suitfer]

[by kurozawa46]

And now, two great little fanfics on this topic!

Photo Booth by copperbadge -- My Summary: Prewar Steve 'n Bucky get their photos taken together in a newfangled photo booth. Kissing ensues. It's the only photos they have of themselves as a couple, so the photos are hidden away but miraculously survive along with Captain America and the Winter Soldier. In the 21st century, the boys get some new photos taken.


"That's rich!" he said. "Come on, let's go again. I bet there's room for both of us if we squeeze in close."
Steve rolled his eyes, but he let himself be pushed back into the booth, sliding over so Bucky could sit down as well. Bucky looked around, pulled Steve close with a comradely arm over his shoulders, and said, "There, it'll get us both now."
Steve started to smile for the camera as Bucky put the quarter in, and they got one good photo
Click -- Flash!
before Bucky turned and made a face at him, and Steve burst into helpless laughter.
Click -- Flash!
He was just recovering, going for another sober-and-serious pose, when he felt Bucky's hand drop to squeeze his ass, and his eyes went wide.
Click -- Flash!
He turned to say something, but Bucky grabbed his chin and held him still, kissing him like they weren't in the middle of an arcade in Brooklyn Heights.
Click -- Flash!
Steve burst out of the booth, anxious, and stood in front of the tray, ready to snatch the photo strip the second it emerged. Bucky, ducking out more slowly, gave Steve a satisfied grin.
"What'd you do that for, where anyone could see?" Steve asked.
Bucky looked smug. "There was the curtain. Where else am I ever gonna get a picture of me and my fella?" he asked, but at least he said it in a low voice.
The photostrip emerged and Steve grabbed it, but he couldn't help looking. The first three were fine enough, but then --
He'd never actually seen them together, not in the reflection of a shop window or a mirror or anything. There...the tilt of his head, the curve of Bucky's smile into the kiss, the way they took his breath away.



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