Monday, May 16, 2016

Gay Stucky Subtext

Today's post quotes some excellent, perceptive and witty commentary by Andrew Wheeler from his post "Super: The Gayest 'Stucky' Moments in the 'Captain America: Civil War' Trailer" found here at Comics Alliance.


There is nothing inherently gay about one man touching another in a familiar way, of course, and it’s very unhealthy to frame all male intimacy as gay. But the solution is to stop suggesting that being gay is bad, and that being perceived as gay as bad. Some male intimacy is gay!

Since this movie is unlikely to show us two men kissing, one man squeezing another man’s shoulder while gazing upon him with undisguided yearning is as good as we’re going to get.

(Fans of Chris Evans will note his exemplary acting here, as usually he grabs men by the left boob, and not the right shoulder. He changed it up because he has almost disappeared into his character. He is eyeing up that left boob, though.)

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