Monday, October 20, 2014

Hockey Player Thor

Now that the new hockey season has started, Thor is lacing up his skates and getting out on the ice again.

Even Norse gods need to wear safety equipment though. Hockey is a rough sport.

[by Nanihoo]

No, Thor, you cannot use Mjolnir on the ice. The NHL Rules provide that a player's stick "shall be made of wood or other material approved by the League and must not have any projections." An illegal stick will get you tossed from the game, big guy. The NHL doesn't care who you are!

[found here]

Of course, Thor is a real scrapper. He'll be in the penalty box for awhile because of this particular fight. But clearly he's having too much fun to care.

[by Nanihoo]

However, Thor is not a goon. He makes a lot of legitimate plays and scores a lot of goals for his team. He just also happens to be really good at rock 'em sock 'em hockey.

(Photos are of Mike Kostka, a Canadian defenceman who currently plays for the New York Rangers. Isn't it especially fitting that "Thor" should have played last season for the Tampa Bay Lightning?)

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