Monday, October 03, 2022

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #3 (2022)

Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Carmen Carnero
Cover Artists: Carmen Carnero and Alejandro Sanchez]

The epic battle continues at The Forge between Captain America and the superpowered metal adversary who informs Cap that he has been redacted and history will not remember him. After Cap defeats him and discovers the mold in which his Shield was forged, a mysterious entity destroys the facility. In the best scene, Captain America escapes the destruction by riding his inverted Shield through a river of lava to safety.

[found at abuckygirl,
excerpted from a
larger post]

The plot of this series has come in for some criticism, such as in this review excerpt from Weird Marvel Science --

The struggle lies in the lack of originality in the premise. Secret organizations that hold sway over governments and corporations have been done to death. AIM, Hydra, Skrulls, The Hand, and more have all reared their many heads at one point or another. Take your pick. So what makes the Outer Circle different? Nothing so far, and that’s a problem in a world already overcrowded with secret organizations.

It's hard to argue, really, with this view. It's a fair one.

But what of Bucky? He's got the best and most interesting sequence in this whole comic when he confronts and fights Dryad Peggy Carter in Madripoor and gets the shit kicked out of him for his trouble. Peggy even breaks a heel kicking him in the face! 

[". . . you'll never see me again."
found at abuckygirl]

So just exactly how is Peggy Carter mixed up in all of this?

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