Friday, June 17, 2022

"The Homosexuals Have Won"

[found at gay-jewish-bucky]

The face of "How dare you presume I'm heterosexual!"

["he will lick you steve!"

Bucky: Whats ‘queerbaiting’?

Steve: I have no idea

Bucky: How do I bait the queer

Bucky: I wanna bait all the queer, Steve

Steve, looking up from his book: Buck-

Bucky, casually leaning against the wall: Hey. *bites bottom lip*


["Throwback to Captain
America: The Winter Soldier"
(white space


The stucky fandom is alive and well 7 years after TWS. Marvel execs wake up in a cold sweat, haunted. The homosexuals have won, there’s nothing they can do.


[found here]

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