Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Violence, Sass and Heart: Bucky in the Comics

[by unknown Marvel artist,
found here,
excerpted from a
larger post]

“Those memories aren’t chains.

They are anchors.

They anchor me to myself.

I won’t be brainwashed again. I know who I am.”

Bucky Barnes in A Year of Marvels: July Infinite Comic (2016)

[found at gamorazenn]

["Bucky Barnes
by Mico Suayan."
found here]

["Besides… it’s more fun when
Winter Soldier takes ‘em out
hand to hand."
by unknown Marvel artist,
found at comic-bucky]

NOTE: The following commentary and comics collection comes from the blog of annebaneriddle, excerpted from a larger work --

I love people saying Bucky is my favorite character just because Sebastian is handsome.
Dude, have you ever read the comics? Bucky Barnes is a real national treasure.

I just love his sassy and sarcastic personality so much. Reading any comic where is is a 100% warranty that at some point you will laugh because of something he said. One of my favorites is “Hey, I just spent a week with these idiots. I’m not showing off, I’m working out my frustration.”
The best is that his personality is indeed sassy and sarcastic, but at the same time you can see that he really loves and cares about people who are important to him. He tries his best to protect them, he tries his best to be a better person, to don’t let his past define who he is.
Also, have you ever seen Bucky interact with kids? The cutest thing ever.

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