How did the Winter Soldier return
from The Big Snap?
(1) With a thigh holder for a big fucking knife!
(2) But with no man bun here.

[gifset by zacharylevis]
He had that knife and
thigh holster when he
was dusted!
But no man bun then, either.
Sebastian Stan behind the scenes of
’Avengers: Infinity War’, (2018).
Dir. Anthony e Joe Russo.
[gifset by erikisright]
So if Bucky didn't have a man bun
when he was dusted nor when he returned,
when the hell did Bucky put his hair up?
Did he pause during the battle and
pull out an elastic and comb?
I guess so!

["His Little Bun"
screencap by 1940sbuckybarnes]
[screen cap edits by interlude]
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