Tuesday, March 01, 2022

"Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail"

One of the most EPIC, awesome and beloved Steve/Bucky fanfics is the series Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by owlet. It is the story of how the Winter Soldier suddenly and unexpectedly reset himself on the helicarrier and gave himself a new mission -- Protect (Don't Kill) Steve Rogers.

You ever think about how the first decision Bucky made for himself in decades

Was to save Steve?

[text and screencap 

In the months and months which follow of stalking protecting Steve from afar via surveillance, Barnes develops a serious coffee addiction. And then discovers other good things in life like grilled cheese sandwiches, friends and neighbours.

["Barnes and his venti three-shot two WM EW"
by shadandrews,
found here

While carrying out his self-appointed mission, the Winter Soldier eventually heals himself and reconciles the three voices/persons competing for space in his head, his memories and his life.

[by Guinevak]

And then eventually Barnes gets to bask for the rest of his life in "the sunrise smile."

["Till the end of the line"

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