Saturday, July 04, 2020

Happy 102nd Birthday, Captain America!

[unknown Marvel artist,
found at man-thing]

Cap’s Bday doodles 🎂🇺🇸
(first one: hc that fireworks trigger them both so they put their grandpa music real loud & watch them from inside. Second one is just a random sketch)

[art and text

(The next two are incorrect, age-wise, but still relevant!)

["Happy 101st Birthday, Captain!
(The “Thursday” Evening Post) - 2019" 

Steve always receives a lot of
fabulous cakes for his birthday . . . 

[by petite-madame,
found here,
excerpted from a
larger post]

. . . but he always likes
Bucky's cake the best!

[by petite-madame,
found here,
excerpted from a
larger post]

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