Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Obsolete Winter Soldier

[gifset by greensaberluke]

My life changed the day I realized that when Pierce says “your work has been a gift to mankind–you shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time” he meant ‘one time’ literally, the Winter Soldier was going to be put down once the helicarriers were up and running and Zola’s algorithm implemented. Project Insight was going to make the Winter Soldier obsolete, the whole point was that the human used as a machine was being substituted by an actual machine, human orders were going to be substituted by a computer algorithm (not a coincidence the algorithm was created by a man-turned-software…).
CATWS has this horror subplot about automation, turning humanity into machine, substituting humanity with machine, and it’s not talked about much because there’s plenty of other things to talk about, but it’s so interesting.

[commentary by 
excerpted from a larger work]

[gifset by dailymarvel]

But even before that, the Winter Soldier was probably traded or sold to the American branch of Hydra precisely because he was getting obsolete -- he was the "old model" winter soldier and Russia-Hydra had just created five "new model" winter soldiers who Bucky later told Steve and Sam were way more dangerous than him. So Russia could afford to pass Bucky on to the USA.

[gifset by kazablanka96]

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