["C'mon, pal"
["New York 1940"
As young men, Bucky and Steve were quite tactile although this was not without its dangers in the 1930s and 1940s --
Anonymous asked:
Did anyone else notice how Steve holds Bucky's arm when he climbs over the railing in the factory scene in TFA? the.... y earni ng..........
Okay but someone mentioned in a post a loooooong time ago that Steve and Bucky in TFA always end up touching each other in every scene they share. So all those fics and headcanons about Steve and Bucky in the 40s casually sneaking touches with each other because they have to be secretive about their relationship has some canon backup. (But seriously every scene they end up touching each other. I’m not ashamed to say I rewatched TFA to verify this)
As the Winter Soldier, the only touch Bucky ever gives or receives is violent in nature.
Bucky comes out of that period
touch-averse. But is he, really?

What ate my brain at 3 am
The doctors call him touch-averse but the truth is he’s starving for it. The truth is he aches for something he’s been taught he cannot have, and that’s nothing new: in another lifetime he was taught he couldn’t have another man’s touch the way he wanted, too.
But when it’s offered he feels his old bones shake so hard the metal in them rattles, and it leaves him shocked and reeling, on the verge of panic when Steve thinks the wrong thing and takes his hand away.
But fuck fear, fuck pain and all its lessons: he wants like a forest fire. With his heart in his throat he catches the retreating wrist and draws Steve’s hand to his cheek. The fingers curl around him and he can breathe again, like he’s been suffocating for decades. He turns his face into the palm because he can’t meet the fragile glass wonder on his friend’s face. Steve takes the hint, finally, and strokes deft fingers through his hair, traces the shell of his ear, the line of his neck.
It’s effervescent. It sings under his skin and lights up his blood, makes his battered heart beat quick. Wetness pricks at his eyes. He lets it gather and fall in silence; the only sound is their breath and the whisper of skin on skin.
excerpted from
larger work]
And once Bucky has recovered and rediscovered himself again?
bucky barnes being incredibly tactile though. he’s always running his hand, the right one, through his hair, through steve’s hair. touching steve’s skin for no reason other than to touch, hugging steve whenever he can get away with it. draping over steve on the couch, or sitting in his lap, or resting his head or feet on steve’s legs. pressing up as close as he can get in bed, the more skin contact the better. he almost melts the first time steve scratches his fingers through bucky’s hair.
bucky loving soft things, mink blankets and shaggy rugs that he loves sinking his bare feet into. he decides on clothing by how it feels first and how it looks second. it’s even better when it’s steve’s clothing bc then it smells like steve too
everyone just accepting this cuddly, comfortable ex-assassin into their group because they know it’s helping