Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Huge and Well-Deserved Win for Fanfiction and AO3!

AO3 won the 2019 Hugo Award for Best Related Work!

Here’s the speech given by Naomi Novik when the award was accepted:
All fanwork, from fanfic to vids to fanart to podfic, centers the idea that art happens not in isolation but in community. And that is true of the AO3 itself. We’re up here accepting, but only on behalf of literally thousands of volunteers and millions of users, all of whom have come together and built this thriving home for fandom, a nonprofit and non-commercial community space built entirely by volunteer labor and user donations, on the principle that we needed a place of our own that was not out to exploit its users but to serve them.
Even if I listed every founder, every builder, every tireless support staff member and translator and tag wrangler, if I named every last donor, all our hard work and contributions would mean nothing without the work of the fan creators who share their work freely with other fans, and the fans who read their stories and view their art and comment and share bookmarks and give kudos to encourage them and nourish the community in their turn.
This Hugo will be joining the traveling exhibition that goes to each Worldcon, because it belongs to all of us. I would like to ask that we raise the lights and for all of you who feel a part of our community stand up for a moment and share in this with us.

[found here]

[found here]


[found here]

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cap's Senior Discount

                                         [from a discontinued website]

I just can’t get this image out of my head.
BTW, I forget where I read “you can take men out of the Depression but you can’t take the Depression out of men”, but I think it suits just fine. XD

[art and text

peter p: but mr america sir, aren’t you technically only 33? are you sure you qualify for this?
steve, taking a senior citizen parking spot and claiming his 15th senior discount of the day: shut your mouth you’re like 5
broke - the team mocking steve for being ‘old’
woke - steve trying to get into a zoo for free because “fuck it i was born in 1918 I deserve the fucking seniors discount”
I mean yes sure he could just take the military discount and save just as much but it’s the principle of the thing dammit.
pool employee: sir, Mr. Captain America, this is a seniors water aerobics class.
steve: I was born in 1918 am I not a senior citizen?
exasperated pool employee: yes, but why d-
steve: some of my friends are in this class just let me take it with them!
bucky, yelling, already in the pool: just let him in susan! you let me in!

[found here]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sam Is STILL So Done.

["Love on the battlefield"

let’s be real, sam’s the true hero for dealin 
Sam : Why the hell am I here… (=__=)

[comic by

["Breakfast time each day after AVG4."

Monday, August 19, 2019

Endgame Sam Wilson -- Becoming Captain America

excerpted from
larger work]

["What was going through your head
at that moment when you take
the shield on board?" 
found at dailyteamcap]

O Captain My Captain
while i definitely don’t agree with a lot of what happened in endgame, i am very excited to see sam take up the shield
i gotta come up with a suit design for him before i paint him again

[art and text

["Anthony Mackie Photographed for
Men’s Health Magazine" 
found at marvelheroes,
excerpted from
larger work]

[found here]

Friday, August 16, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Visualizing the Encouragement of Fanfic Kudos

Hello, I´d like to share with you and your followers something I got from a writer in my fandom years ago. They left already but their words stuck with me. I´m going to share the wisdom with you in my own words.
Every time you get notes/kudos, imagine real people standing in front of you. Did you get 20 kudos? It might seem like it´s not much but would you fit so many people into your livingroom? It´s 20 REAL PEOPLE who decided to read your work and liked it. Imagine giving each of them a hug!
Did you get 50 kudos? Giving 50 hugs would take some time but you could give them cookies instead. Imagine 50 cookies. It´s a lot!
Did you get 100 kudos? Go to a mall and count 100 people, you´ll see it´s actually a lot more than you thought when you saw the number.
Did you get 500 kudos? 1 000? Well, it starts getting a bit overwhelming when you imagine such a crowd but it´s AMAZING that you made so many people happy with your writing. And you´d need a living room the size of a cncert hall to fit them all in :)
I did this and you’re so right- it helps!!! I was feeling super discouraged and lethargic about my writing and not at all motivated. So I went to my most popular story (which I think has about 600 kudos and that’s a lot- I know it’s a lot but it doesn’t really feel real sometimes) and just googled for pictures of a crowd of six hundred people. 


That’s a lot of people- that’s waaay more people than I see regularly- and suddenly I feel really motivated to write again because I mean that many people ???? Liked it??? my writing can’t be that bad if they did ???? 
When fandom was still on LJ, I was writing a story that I released a chapter every week for on Wednesdays. Around 250 people read every chapter on the day it was posted. So, I pictured myself going to a small lecture hall every Wednesday and reading to 250 people, about 20 of which would speak to me after the reading (comments) while the rest of the audience clapped and left, seemingly pleased with what I had written.
It was a great way to motivate myself to get the chapters done. “I have to give a reading on Wednesday! There will be 250 people waiting!” 
Sometimes numbers can become just numbers, rather than numbers representing people - but if you can have them be people again, it really puts things in perspective.
Imagine how long it would take if each one of your “Kudos” or “Likes” shook your hand for a few seconds. THOSE ARE ACTUAL HUMANS LOOKING AT YOUR STUFF. Blows my mind every time. Look how many notes this post has. THAT’S AN ENTIRE CONCERT HALL  FILLED WITH PEOPLE.
[found here]

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Allure and Purpose of Fanfiction

[by lurafita]

Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of by the folk.
- Henry Jenkins (Director of media studies at MIT)


Sometimes fanfiction is a love letter to the original 

canon, sometimes it’s just that one telegram that 

says “Fuck you. Strongly worded letter to follow”.

[by marypsue]

But this is also very true, LOL!

fanfic titles be like “we have not touched 

the stars (nor are we forgiven)” and then 

you look at the tags & the first one is “anal 


[found here]

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Miscellaneous Avenger Mashups

Snips and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails
These were the ingredients chosen
To create not the perfect soldiers, but good men

[by djchika]

Two things only the greatest fools do: throw stones at hornets’ nests and threaten a Witcher.”

["of course i had to draw a good omens au"
by rizurin]

“They don’t put the star on your chest if you’re a quitter. “
Gladiator Steve&Bucky in Planet Hulk. 
[first art by sylvene-taiwan;
second art by unknown marvel artist,
found in same post]