Friday, June 30, 2017

June IS the Month for Weddings, After All

[by seplus]

When Captain Rogers asked, Sergeant Barnes said ‘yes’!

["Everlasting Love"
art and text
(Anne Terkelsen)]

They picked out the perfect rings --

[by weddbook]

Finally, the Big Day has arrived!

“Hey, hey, save it for the wedding night, you two.”

“Just take the damn picture, Wilson, before we age another century.”

[art and text
by chiyume]

First, the ceremony --

[unknown moodboard artist]

Then, the reception --

["Stucky Wedding"

The first dance --

Tossing the bouquets --

["Stucky Wedding"

And, of course, followed by the wedding night --

[by fiveocock]

[by bannannibal,
found here]

And the inevitable press coverage, of course --

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Fellas Like Us

One last post for Pride Month --

["Who knew there was going
to be a chance for fellas like
us, huh?"
by cal-aus]

Wear those Bi Pride colours proudly!

["The Blue Shirt -- Bi Flag Addition"
photomanip gifset

[by kayaczek]

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


A couple of great Stucky memes have been based on this video --


[posted on YouTube by Maria La Warrior]

[cartoon and post title

["How Sam found out"

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Trial of Bucky Barnes

The events of The Winter Soldier trial told in a series of tweets. Inspired by two amazing mixed-media fics that play with the possibility of what might happen if Bucky was put on trial after the events of CATWS:

United States v. Barnes by fallingvoices and radialarch

cross this river to the other side by defcontwo

[art and references

Friday, June 23, 2017

Proper Footwear For Doing The Murder Strut

Someone rang the doorbell. At eight in the morning. On a Saturday. In the middle of morning snuggles.

[cartoon and text
by chiyume]

“They were fearless, Steve. Fearless.”

[cartoon and text
by chiyume]

Based on this debate about the Murder Strut --

Re: The Murder Strut - I could say Gotta Be The Shoes, but does the walk still work barefoot, or does it rely on a certain style of combat boot?

since the conversation i mentioned involved tony it naturally also involved some scientific experimentation. the strut works in combat boots, boat shoes, bunny slippers, barefoot, and in six inch heels
it is apparently the most terrifying in heels

i gave steve 10 minutes and a sharpie. hes learned to not ask questions about these things. youre welcome.
this was for science.


I assume @chiyume has seen this and is all over it like a rash. But just in case she hasn’t…
@knittedgauntlets You may have assumed correctly, and I am currenlty trying very hard to convince myself that drawing Bucky murder-strutting across the kitchen in bunny slippers is something the world absolutely does not need until I’ve finished at least one of my other WIP’s 

[found at chiyume]