Monday, March 16, 2015


All the portraits in today's post involve twisting perspective by odd and unexpected placement of the characters.

The angle in this first image emphasizes the weight and press of Thor's body on Loki's, both menacing and erotic at the same time.

[by kaciart]

The unusual positioning of the brothers in this next portrait emphasizes the opposite sensation -- the weight of Loki's body against Thor's. But what exactly is going on here? Is Loki trying to fight and strangle Thor while being subdued? Or is this a lover's caress? Could easily be either.

["Rettssaken" by Nikolicious]

In the following portrait, Thor is grieving a badly wounded Loki. The unusual perspective makes me think the image should be rotated to landscape alignment instead. Yet the tears and blood are clearly dripping downwards, showing that the seemingly odd alignment is correct. 

[by marty-mc]

A similar perspective is used in the final image as well. Thor's tears drip downwards and the brothers' hair also hangs down in that direction so the odd alignment must be deliberate.

Makes me wonder if these last two similar illustrations were in response to a prompt somewhere?

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