Friday, August 01, 2014

Spotlight on a Favourite Artist: Joanna Estep

According to her online profile, professional artist Joanna Estep is "an illustrator, designer, writer, and accomplished whateverist who presently resides in the wilds of Wisconsin." She is very prolific in Star Trek fandom as well as in Thor/Loki.

Although I like all her art, my favourite is a linked series of illustrations depicting Loki and the stallion Svadilfari in spring, summer and autumn. Each image is sensitive and sensual. Unlike most depictions of this topic, the liaison is treated respectfully, not as a dirty joke. The final piece (presumably winter?) depicts Loki and their offspring Sleipnir, the eight-legged colt.

But by the time Sleipnir is born, Svadilfari the stallion is nowhere to be seen. Poor Loki ends up as a single mom. Notwithstanding its mythological gender-and-species twists, the old, old story seems to play out just the same in Asgard as anywhere else.

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