Friday, August 29, 2014


Yes, that's right --

The weekend's here! Time for some Asgardian partyin'!

[by mohi1, found at Memebase]

Thursday, August 28, 2014

You must be truly desperate . . .

. . . FOR ATTENTION! What's next, Loki? Reality TV -- maybe Big Brother? 

[found at Roflrazzi]

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Summer Holiday

Everyone goes to the beach in summer, even Thor and Loki. But sheesh, boys, don't just sit there like an old married couple!

Cut loose and have some fun! Or as much fun as Loki can ever have, that wet blanket.

[by ddtipp found here]

And whatever you do, don't forget the sunblock. That fair Asgardian skin burns like a sonovabitch.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Oh gawd, he speaks Greek too

This is what comes of having a double first in Classics from Cambridge.

[War Horse interview
posted by fin]

[gif by dazel-hiddles143,
found at Roflrazzi]

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Don't cry, Loki"

Man, Loki's a big crybaby, isn't he? That single heart-wrenching tear is always sliding down his cheek in all kinds of situations. Guess he's either just a really sensitive soul or else a master manipulator. Hard to tell sometimes. But whatever. The main thing is that it always works on Thor.

[by oriental artist, found here]

Poor Thor. You can tell he really wants to kiss Loki, bad. And oddly enough, despite Loki's tears, Thor is the one who comes across as vulnerable in this portrayal. His eyes are closed but Loki's are wide open. Thor's lips are parted while Loki's are firmly set. Thor is focused on Loki but his brother seems wrapped up only in his own misery.

And hasn't the artist done an amazing job on the highlighting of Thor's hair, lips and chin? Stunning, really. So beautifully done.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Psycho Thor

An oddly fun little video featuring a clever AU role reversal. Here Thor is portrayed as the crazy abusive psycho for a change and poor Loki is his victim.

The video maker notes that:

I have really mixed feelings about this vid. It was supposed to be humorous but it came out really disturbing. Thor turned out to be like a creepy kidnapper. I didn't do this on purpose, I swear. So, don't watch if this is likely to be triggery for you.

And just to underline the video maker's guilty ambivalence, the video ends by stating "With apologies to the God of Thunder" -- a last-ditch bid to stay on Thor's good side, I guess! LOL

[video by MoselleGreen;

Monday, August 18, 2014

Loki and Tony Fight Too

It's one thing to dodge a dish or two . . . .

[gifs by mydarkestrainbow
found here]

But seriously, do not ever let him get the upper hand.

[by sdkay]

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Pin-up Thor

Good to know that if Thor ever finds himself out of a job, he can still make great money as prime beefcake.

[by Joe Phillips found here]

["DNA Magazine 'Thor' 2011"
by Urbanmusiq (Allain De Leon)]

[also by Joe Phillips, found here]

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Loki's Fall and Iron Man's Ascent

[also by joannaestep]

Will their paths meet in the middle? Can they heal each other's broken and damaged hearts?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Brotherly Revenge

Thor needs to learn a thing or three about revenge from Loki. He's got no talent for it.

Monday, August 11, 2014

On the Throne of Asgard

What Loki would like to see.

["I pledge my allegiance, brother"
by Daaria]

What Thor would like to see.

[unknown artist, found here]

What all Thorki fangirls want to see.

["Throne" by KBRRS]

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Two Sons

A pair of wonderfully creative gifs about the source of the brothers' tragic rivalry.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Relationship Status: "It's Complicated"

The brothers' duality is also evident in the mixed emotions of their conflicted relationship. Thor and Loki love and hate each other in equal measure, sometimes simultaneously. In either case, cue the fireworks.

[by KuroneKou]

[by Avali]

Yet Thor and Loki are always inseparably bound together. Each needs the other for completion.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Not Loki and Thor But Close Enough

Tom Hiddleston sucking on a popsicle, you’re welcome.

[Only Lovers Left Alive gifs and captions
by black-nata found here]