Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Laufey, King of the Frost Giants

In the first Thor movie, the role of Loki's biological father Laufey is played by Colm Feore. He is one of Canada's finest Shakespearean actors and has also portrayed many villains in various Hollywood movies. Another of his recent roles was as Cardinal della Rovere in The Borgias miniseries.

["Laufey son" by Lord-ik]

In body type and facial bone structure, Colm Feore bears a strong physical resemblance to Tom Hiddleston which enhances his believability as Loki's father, even under all that Frost Giant makeup.

In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Colm Feore expertly analyzed why Shakespearean actors do so well when cast in superhero movies:

Interviewer: What do you bring from your Shakespeare roles to your superhero roles?

Colm Feore: You know, there is a logic to this and why the kinds of actors get cast in the superhero movies that usually have a vast theatrical experience -- because a lot often of what they have to say is heroic and dumb and in order to say dumb things heroically, you need a classically trained actor.

Bingo, LOL!

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